SFAR Invitation: SlutWalk NYC

To everyone in the New York area, we want to invite you to participate in the SlutWalk taking place this Saturday in Union Square. SlutWalk is about reclaiming the word that is used so harshly against women. Why is it so acceptable for men to be sexual creatures and for them to act upon those instincts, but not for women? Why are women “asking for it” if they choose to wear slightly revealing clothes, in turn their sexual compass is threatened? Working towards challenging the masculinity of rape culture and working to end domestic and sexual violence is what the SlutWalk is all about and we would love if any of you other NY area feminists would join. Started in Toronto in 2011, we are very excited to be able to participate in our first SlutWalk. Worldwide readers, check out their website to learn about other marches in your city.

More Infohttp://slutwalknyc.com/

Purpose: SlutWalk NYC is part of a worldwide grassroots movement challenging rape culture, victim-blaming and slut-shaming, and working to end sexual and domestic violence.

NYC Walk: Saturday, October 1st. 12:00 Noon. Union Square. BE THERE!!



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