Hello all you single ladies and gentlemen,
Years ago, when people wrote down contact information and kept address books, certain men might be known for possessing a “little black book”, a small telephone diary of all of the ladies they courted. Today, we’re armed with modern technology, and a new app is bringing the little black book to a more modern format. A format, which does not limit the little black book to gentlemen only. Introducing, Hook Book.
The Hook Book app allows you to log all of your information about the guys and gals you bed and rate them based on looks, personality, and “prowess” in the bedroom…. Rarrr. The coolest part of the app is that you can keep all of your interactions with your hooks private (i.e. booty call/text with no shame!) so anyone browsing through your phone won’t see all of your sexy texts.
HookBook was created by a team of Dallas twenty-somethings and allows users to log and keep track of each hookup they have. The app is visually appealing, fun to play around with and easy to use.
One could argue that, if you can’t recall the attractiveness of your hook up’s face to the point where you need to record the data electronically, you may have other problems, but we’ll leave the data entry to you!
To learn more about the app, visit hookbookapp.com, and to download it from iTunes, click here. Thoughts? Leave your comments below.