Thanks to the reader in DC who sent in this Craigslist ad. This is one of the funniest/weirdest attempts to pick up ladies we’ve seen in awhile. (Click on the image to read this ad in all its strange glory).
This is a joke, right?
Thanks to the reader in DC who sent in this Craigslist ad. This is one of the funniest/weirdest attempts to pick up ladies we’ve seen in awhile. (Click on the image to read this ad in all its strange glory).
This is a joke, right?
Song of the Day: “I Knew You Were Trouble”, by Taylor Swift.
Fans have been been rocking out to Taylor Swift’s album “Red” night and day. A friend and SFAR reader recently told us she feels that Swift’s latest album is so rad it makes her feel optimistic and happy about the dating game. That’s positive news! Perhaps it will do the same for us.
The lyrics of “I Knew You Were Trouble” certainly ring close to home. Trouble, trouble, trouble…
This past summer I had an internship in Washington D.C. working in the political realm. I had never dated a guy from the South, until one evening at a bar on 14th Street, I met a guy- lets call him Jack (the opposite of his unusual name)- from South Carolina. We hit it off and headed back to Jack’s apartment for an all night makeout session. When he drove me home the next morning, I must have missed the confederate flag on the front license plate of his PICK UP. Yes, a pick-up truck in D.C., how utilitarian and typical of a Southern dude. I must have also missed the fact that he remarked, “I’ve never dated a Yankee before” when he dropped me off. But, I was in D.C. for just the summer, he was cute and we had a good time. So we planned to go out the next week…
My ex hated bananas (yes, the fruit) to the point that no one was allowed to eat them around her. She did not just dislike the fruit she hated everything having to do with bananas and banana flavor- chocolate banana, strawberry banana, smoothies with banana in them- all of it. A banana in her presence would make her turn up her nose in disgust. Continue reading
Throwback time.
Definitely got this album for Christmas when I was 11.
The lyrics make a lot more sense now.
Song of the Day: Creep, by TLC
Nice Guys of OkC
Several readers have written us about a popular Tumblr “Nice Guys of OkCupid”. The blog is a collection of photos of single guys on OkCupid who in their profile describe themselves as “nice guys” and also make at least one d-bag comment which cancels out the whole nice guy notion. As you might guess there are hundreds of profiles like this. Here’s an example:
We’ve blacked out the face in the image above because as with everything on SFAR, we keep things anonymous. Nice Guys of OkC doesn’t which may lead to its downfall.
Already it has been charged with violating privacy rights. It has yet to be seen how long the Nice Guys of OkC Tumblr will be in operation. For now, it’s a funny premise and we’re enjoying it.
For all the haters who are bashing the blog and writing in feeling sorry for themselves and standing by their self-proclaimed “nice guy” status, a couple things:
A. You can’t be a nice guy and think no means yes. Rape isn’t funny.
B. Don’t say boobies in your profile. It’s creepy.
C. Don’t refer to women as bitches or sluts or any other demeaning terminology in your profile. Why would any woman want to date a person who speaks like that?!
D. Please keep your shirt on in your photos. This isn’t soft-core porn.
E. If you’re a nice guy, keep being a nice guy and someone will see that in you. Passive aggressiveness and hostile humor isn’t going to help you get anywhere.
On a related topic, has anyone anywhere ever met someone great through OkCupid? We’d be fascinated to hear about that.