Song of the Day: And Run by He Is We

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Boo! I’m your date, and I’m an asshole.

I met a guy downtown one Saturday night and was excited to learn we’d both gone to college in Boston. It was a fun scene with good music, so we chatted. When I’d decided it was late and time for me to go home, he walked me out to the street. I didn’t realize how drunk he was until he tried to make out with my face and throw himself in the cab with me. I pushed him away, laughed it off and said, see you again.

The next day he sent me a Facebook request and texted me to see if I wanted to have dinner. I wasn’t sure I could pick him out of a three person line-up, but thought it was a nice invite and accepted the invitation.

When we went to dinner, I could tell pretty quickly we didn’t have “the spark”, but we were already seated, and he seemed interesting enough. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he was a total ego-maniac.

It was a couple weeks after Halloween, so I asked him what he had done to celebrate and whether he’d dressed up. The conversation went like this:

Me: What did you do for Halloween? Did you celebrate and dress up?

Him: Yeah, I dressed up and totally raged.

Me: What did you dress up as?

Him: The ghost of girlfriend’s past.

Me: Oh, like the movie? How did you dress for that character? (I was imagining maybe he dressed up like Matthew McConoughey. The tux?)

Him: I took a white bed sheet, and wore that like a ghost. And all over it I attached pictures of my ex girlfriends. It was awesome.

Me: Wow.

I took a large gulp of water and ordered my dinner. Now, it should be said that this guy was extremely good looking, had grown up in the southern US and was for the most part very well-mannered. Or so it seemed. During the conversation, he went on to talk about himself nonstop, about going to Harvard, his big-egoed inspirations and how he wanted to run for political office one day. That was of great interest to me, being from Washington, but that didn’t get very far. He just wanted to talk about himself. The next and final conversation went like this:

Me: I noticed we have a couple of mutual friends on Facebook.

Him: Yeah, small world huh?

Me: I couldn’t believe Brittany was a mutual acquaintence! She was one of my best friends in middle school- I haven’t seen her in years. How do you know her?

Him: Oh…yeah (he smirked) we dated for awhile in the city last summer. It wasn’t really serious- we worked at the same law firm together.

Me: Oh? That’s nice.

Him: Her picture was on the bed sheet.

End of Story. SFAR

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1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila…

A few weeks ago, I went on my first date. We met for drinks at a Mexican restaurant and started with some Margaritas. Everything was going alright and rather normally. I began to suspect my date had been drinking prior to meeting me out, but we continued talking and had a couple of drinks apiece.

After drink #2, the waiter came around to ask if we needed anything else. Before I could say anything, my date ordered two more margaritas and to my great surprise, 2 shots of Patron. Being stubborn and always wanting to prove I can hold my liquor, I took the shot and we got the check.

At this point, I should have gone home, but made the fatal mistake of following an online date to a second location. By the time we got there, I told myself I would only have ONE beer and then go home, as I had to be at church at 9 the next day for Easter mass. When we arrived at the second bar, I told my date to order me a beer and that I had to use the restroom.

When I returned, he had in fact ordered my beer, but guess what else was waiting? Another tequila shot!

Fellas, when on a first date, ordering surprise tequila shots will not win over a potential mate, she will just end up leaving you with an even bigger bartab and hungover on Easter Sunday.


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Man Licks His Shoes Clean on the Subway

Living in New York can be great. Then there are the times when you see things like this on your way to work and have the sudden urge to move to a dude ranch in Wyoming.

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Song of the Day- Leave Your Boyfriends Behind by Leona Naess

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Levi Johnston: Deer in the Headlights

Once upon a time, John McCain decided he needed to win the votes of American women and called up a lil’ lady named Sarah Palin to ask if she would be his running mate. Little did he know that this soccer momin’, deer shootin’ Alaskan Governor would go from unknown neighbor of Russia to the biggest fame whore in all the land.

But enough about Sarah, let’s talk about Levi, the redneck baby daddy of Palin’s teenage daughter Bristol (who recently had some “corrective jaw surgery” and magically has an entirely new FACE, btw.) At first, Levi cleaned up his act. He put on a suit jacket and forcibly proposed to his Bristol to the contentment of abstinance and pro-life preachers near and far. Sadly, as so many young romances do, the flame died and the couple called off their engagement in 2009.

Somewhere around that point in time, things started to get freaky as Levi asserted his independence and went rogue on the family, beginning his journey down the long, hard road of a celebrity who has no actual talents or merit besides shit-talking and flashing his shlong for Playgirl. Priceless cover.

Because Levi has had such a long, hard, interesting life, he decided to write a book, which he has entitled, “Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshares.” The cover of the book was released this week, and the photos pretty much sum up the complete doucheyness of this douchebag extraordinaire.  

No wonder Bristol fell for him. Those eyes, that creepy stache, his sorely in need of a haircut mullet, those teeth. What a dreamboat.

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