Song of the Day- Love Love Love, by Avalanche City
Song of the Day- Love Love Love, by Avalanche City
There are certain items of clothing (accessories included) that should raise red flags in your mind. On that note, we’d like to turn your attention to…the hemp wallet. You may remember these from guys you knew in high school or college. Or you may still be in college and therefore find yourself subjected to them yet today. We’re sure there are some people out there who carry hemp wallets for purely environmental reasons- perhaps they are strict vegans or care passionately about embracing America’s number one cash crop. We don’t take issue with either of those positions.
We do think it’s important to note however, for anyone out there currently dating a hemp wallet to acknowledge that these sort of accessories tend to carry with them a lifestyle. A lifestyle that may involve selling drugs and having the police show up to his mother’s house on Thanksgiving Day, or something. SFAR
Song of the Day: Hello by Martin Solveig & Dragonette
A recent TIME magazine Healthland article caught our attention again this week. The article, published in March under the title, “Pretty Boys: Plastic Surgery Isn’t Just for Women Anymore”, offered research findings by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) on recent trends in plastic surgery procedures for males.
The author of the piece, Meredith Melnick, seemed to find the increase of Botox procedures the most interesting of these plastic surgery upticks- hence the photograph of a man with a needle stuck into his face being the accompanying photograph. However, we were more stunned by the overall breakdown of procedures American men are going under the knife for. According to ASPS:
“Among men, facelifts saw the biggest gains, with a 14% increase between 2009 and 2010, largely among men in their 50s and 60s. Other procedures that men received more frequently last year: ear surgery, which increased by 11% from 2009; soft tissue fillers like Juvederm and Botox, which increased by 10% and 9%, respectively; and liposuction (7% increase) and breast reduction (6% increase). Eyelid surgery and dermabrasion also enjoyed 4% increases each.”
Facelifts, dermabrasion, lipo, fillers, eyelid surgeries and breast reductions? Forget Botox, Melnick. We would have gone with the photo of man boobs. Obviously.
To read the full TIME article: click here
We’re excited to have one of our co-creators blogging from China! For the next couple weeks, we’ll be sharing stories she collects along the glittery road in the Middle Kingdom.
Full of young local Chinese and expatriate singles, dating in China can be as awkward, hilarious and um, unbearble as dating in your hometown. We’ll be teasing out some of the memories, stories and trends gathered from singles and posting them here for you under the title, SFAR in China. We hope you enjoy!
Story #1 The Motorboat Bribe
The second week I moved to China, I went to a club that was having a big promotional party for a Russian vodka brand. I was standing at the bar enjoying the party with a female friend of mine when, out of nowhere, a drunken man came up to my friend and offered her the following bribe: “I will take 5 shots of whatever you want, and buy you 2 shots of whatever you want…. If you let me motorboat you.” Yup. SFAR
Fellas, are you tired of your girlfriend’s sexy bits getting all of the attention? Do you get jealous when you see her beautiful vejazzled private parts?
Well, fear no more. The pejazzle is here! You too can stick tiny crystals in the shape of a heart and give your privates the flair you’ve always wanted.
Source: Daily Mail