Song of the Day: Mean

Song of the Day: Mean, by Taylor Swift



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SFAR in China: Allow the Pharmacy Display to Speak for Itself

International trade affords China with countless foreign innovations- many of which are increasingly developed, tested and packaged in China. Take, for example, pharmaceuticals. Now, while traditional Eastern medicine is still embraced within China (some might say it prevails as the leading form of medicinal treatment in the country) foreign drugs and pharmaceuticals are creeping into the marketplace. In many cases, China has its own local version of perscription drugs (e.g. the morning after pill) as well as over the counter drugs (e.g. allergy medications).

For some ailments however, there is no mainland substitute better than the American alternative. Allow the pharmacy display to speak for itself:

We’re going to go out on a limb and venture a guess that erectile dysfuntion is somewhat of an “issue” in China. That, or Eli Lilly just had a lot of extra Cialis it decided to dump in the mainland. Either or.

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Missing the Target

I got set up with a guy through a mutual friend (always a risky situation) but we were going to go on a double date so I felt a little bit better about it. The four of us wound up going to a movie and, of course, my friend and her date left the two of us alone so we could talk and “get to know eachother better” while we were all waiting for the previews to start.

As we are sitting there making small talk he goes “So you don’t get out much do you?” to which I just looked at him confused. I have traveled around the world and consider myself a pretty outgoing and worldly person and had no idea where he got that. I forget what excuse he had for saying that to me but the rest of the night was filled with sly insults.

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Douche of The Week: Arnold Schwarzenegger

This should come as no surprise. While there were several candidates vying for this week’s DOTW, the news about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s adultery, love child and string of lies give us no choice but to deem him Douche of the Week.

You may remember a post we published last week, after the news about Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s declared separation hit the US news waves. We were shocked to learn of this development. Blinded by the years he’d spent parading around as the “Governator” with his loyal family in tow, plunging the State of California into a terrible deficit, we’d forgotten about his inappropriate tendencies. After the latest news, it’s safe to say, we’ll never forget again.

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SFAR in China: A Stall of Her Own

I had just moved to China, knowing nobody and was ecstatic when my first and only friend invited me to the Scottish Burns’ Night Supper (don’t worry I had no idea what it was either.)

I was feeling a bit anti-social until this one Scottish guy came in a few minutes late and sat at the only empty seat at our table. As soon as he plopped down, I turned to my friend and said “WHO is that?!” He was by far the best looking guy I’d seen in China and seemed like a nice guy. He went around giving welcoming kisses to everyone at our table, and I was speechless when he got to me, but gave him the usual two friendly kisses.

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Catfish Noodling Legalized in Texas

Today, the Texas state Senate legalized noodling, the practice of shoving your hand into a riverbed and hoping an enormous catfish with glom onto your arm. There was previously a $500 fine for noodling, but if Rick Perry signs the bill into law, the noodlers of Texas will finally be able to rest easy knowing they have the legal right to participate in this ridiculous activity.

If you’d like to see noodling in action, watch this video:

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