Song of the Day- Call Your Girlfriend by Robyn

This video reminds me of when I go into my closet, try on a bunch of random crap and dance in front of the mirror by myself (come on, you know you do it too). Robyn is a badass, end of story.

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SFAR in China- Sir, are you lost?


I was laying in bed one night trying to fall asleep when I heard strange sounds coming from outside in my apartment complex. I went over to the window to figure out what was going on, and realized it was the sound of two people having sex on their balcony. I live in Shanghai in a large complex of high rises with gardens and a courtyard in the middle, so if I could hear it, I guarentee you many other people could as well. Anyway, as I listened I realized the woman involved was repeating a phrase – 这里, 这里 这里 (zhe li, zhe li, zhe li) over and over again and then moaning, “ahhhhh!”. For those who don’t speak Chinese, “zhe li” means “here”, so what she was saying over and over again was, “here, here, here….ahhh”. This is as bizarre in Chinese as it is in English. Of all the things to say during sex, it’s so funny and embarassing because it conveyed he did not know what he was doing! Or maybe she just couldn’t feel it. Either way SFAR

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Women Killer

Yup, that’s a man throwing tiny women into a trash can. To the guy who designed this and the guy who would purchase and sport this creepy imagery, SFAR.

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Song of The Day: You’re So Vain, by Carly Simon

Song of The Day: You’re So Vain, by Carly Simon



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No Muff Too Tuff

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Would you like to shake my stub?

One winter break in college, I went to my best friend’s hometown in South Bend, Indiana. All the Notre Dame kids were home for the holidays, so the town was much emptier than usual. After a couple false starts, we (my friend and some of her friends from high school) finally found a local bar that had great drink specials and a crowd of young people.

We sat down and I went to the bar to grab drinks. A guy waiting for drinks next to me introduces himself “Hi! I’m Stubs!” He then.. wait for it… yes… holds out his stub arm – cut off just above the elbow – for me to shake. I froze, completely stunned. He waves his stub expectantly. I hold it gingerly, give it a little shake (what the hell else can I do at that point?!), and then grab my drinks and book it back to the table.

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