I met this guy at a party with mutual friends one holiday weekend and exchanged numbers after fun, flirtatious conversation and shared interests. He seemed like a really cool, international guy. After that night he would text me every few days or so always using sweet phraseology (eg. sweetheart, darling), which seemed sincere based on our conversations and his overall demeanor.
A few weeks later, he met up with a group of my friends one night and brought along a guy friend of his. From the way he greeted me he acted like we were an item, it was really cute. We all partied at that bar for awhile, then moved on to another and ended up as group on the balcony of an apartment partying in the moonlight. The whole time the guy was right next to me, holding me in his arms, dancing, the whole nine yards. Eventually the party broke up and I went with him to his apartment where we hooked up and then fell asleep in his bed.
I woke up in the morning to sunlight streaming through the crack of the door and the sound of him yelling on the phone to his dad in the middle east. His demeanor in the morning was 180% different- gruff, casual, strutting around his place. I got up and started to head toward the ladies’ room to freshen up and get ready for my day. He came in after me and pointed to where I could find a toothbrush, comb and other things to get ready. Okay. Maybe he was just really prepared and thoughtful.

I took a clean toothbrush out of the pack of ten and started brushing my teeth in the mirror, with the sneaking suspicion that maybe he was much more of a player/asshole than he seemed. Or maybe he was just a fan of COSTCO…
I did my make up, combed my hair, touched up my outfit and turned around to get myself out of the increasingly bizarre and unpleasant setting when I spotted it: the waste basket full of once-used tooth brushes, combs and, you guessed it- used condoms. I booked it out of there so fast and never spoke to him again. Thank god I didn’t sleep with him. If any of this routine sounds familiar, you shouldn’t either! SFAR