Spotted: Cute guy reading a book on the subway

 I wonder what he’s reading…

Oh, Assholes Finish First. Wow. No wonder he removed the book sleeve.


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Song of The Day: Money Grabber, by Fitz and the Tantrums

Song of The Day: Money Grabber, by Fitz and the Tantrums



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Bridesmaids: Get on That

Hello dear SFAR readers,

We hope you have had your wits about you and done everything in your power to see Bridesmaids, a hilarious new movie currently playing in theaters in the US (and hopefully everywhere else). For those who have, move yourself to the front of the line, you win. For those who haven’t, you need to get on that.

Bridesmaids chronicles the experience of lead character, Annie, played by Kristen Wiig (Saturday Night Live) as her best friend Lillian, played by Maya Rudolph (also of Saturday Night Live) becomes engaged and counts down the weeks to her marriage. As Lillian’s maid of honor, Annie is chosen as the leader of a colorful bridal party, and the rest is comic history in the making.

Written by Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumulo, and produced by Judd Apatow, director of hits like Knocked UpThe 40-Year-Old Virgin, and Funny PeopleBridesmaids is a film awesomely inspired by, about and starring leading females. That’s enough for us to be hugely supportive of the film. If that’s not enough reason for you, perhaps the following will entice you:

-Midwestern accents

-Hilarious cast including John Hamm (as an unbelievably sexy and crass douche)

-Little Britain star, Matt Loucas (as one of two bizarro roommates)

-Unparalleled public pooping scene

-Unparalleled fucked-up-on-an-airplane scene

-Beyond perfection bridal cliches

For information about Bridesmaids or to watch the trailer: Click Here

To locate a theater and movie times: Click Here and enter your zip code

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Would you date this cat-lover?

This one’s for the fellas. The above video has been circulating around the internet this week of an MBA-wielding woman who decided to film an e-Harmony video of herself and pretty much cries about cats the whole time. If you haven’t seen it yet, prepare yourself.

I mean, I don’t even know where to begin with this…

A. This girl is such an emotional mess that she can’t even make it through a sentence that mentions the word “cat” without crying like a lunatic. Frightening.

B. She posted a video of herself sobbing about cats on a dating website.

C. Seriously??

Personally, I hate cats, so this video is all the more annoying and weird to me. What are my thoughts on dogs? I love them. But I definitely don’t “want all of them in my bed at one time so I can just hug them all”.

Yowza. SFAR

Posted in For the Fellas, Media Findings, This is Awkward | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Song Of The Day: Hot Child In The City, by Joan Jett

Song Of The Day: Hot Child In The City, by Joan Jett. Stay cool out there, dolls.


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Dear God, Thanks for Another Reason to Remain SFAR

Good Day, SFAR readers. For anyone who failed to catch Tuesday morning’s Today Show, you missed a doozie. From Representative Weiner, to Sarah Ferguson, the calibur of news broadcasting was through the roof sensational. And then came the Duggars.

The Duggars are a family from Arkansas who, by the loins of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar (and God), have birthed 19 children. Conservative Baptists, the Duggars have raised their children based on fundamentalist biblical beliefs. Contrary to what you might assume, Michelle and Jim Bob used birth control early in their marriage, unsure that they were ready to have children. After succesfully delivering her first child, Michelle resumed birth control and when she and Jim Bob attempted to conceive a second time, sadly miscarried. It was the Duggars’ belief and counseling from Christian medical doctors, that the birth control was the cause of their misfortune. Then and there they reaffirmed their pro-life values and “asked God to bless them with as many children as he saw fit in his timing”. Hence the plethora of offspring.

Since the beginning of their God-blessing birth plan, the Duggan’s have appeared in numerous programs on Discovery Health and TLC, focused mainly on Michelle’s last several pregnancies, and have been the subject of TLC reality show, 19 Kids and Counting. Michelle is the author of two books, The Duggars: 20 and Counting! (co-authored with Jim-Bob), which was released in 2008 and A Love That Multiplies (also co-authored by Jim Bob), which was released today.

If this is the image of “today’s family”, seriously, hide us under a rock. Birth control for all! Do you know what multiplies during the act of intercourse? It’s not love, darlings. It’s sperm.

Look, we are ALL about miracles and happy endings and beautiful stories. We also happen to love the State of Arkansas. But 19 children. Seriously? How does one set of parents even provide for 19 children? I suppose having a show on TLC and writing books about baby birthing and God helps. Finally, what’s going on with the mother and her daughters’ hair. Seriously. We thought the 80’s snap shots were bad, but 2011 isn’t looking so glamorous either. Lord, Almighty.

Today Show Footage: Click Here

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