Song of the Day- Drivin Me Wild by Common ft. Lily Allen

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“I work in finance”- A Pet Peeve

Dear Men of New York,

When I meet you and you ask the obligatory first question of every conversation in New York (“What do you do?”), I will happily oblige and tell you what you really want to know, which is where I work and how much money I make.

However, when I return the question and ask “How about you?” please do not answer with the four word answer I hear all too often: “I work in finance.”

NEWS FLASH. We both live in New York, and even though I don’t work in finance, I do know alot of people who also work in finance. I therefore know the names of alot of banks, hedge funds, and other financial institutions. You can tell me where you work, I will understand and it will lead to more intriguing conversation than you telling me you work in an enormous industry without giving any specifics. I may be blonde, but I’m not dumb. My brain can process what your company does, so please expand, I can take it.


A New York Lady

Posted in Douchey Comments, Wall Street Wankers | 4 Comments

Letter From the Editors

Dear SFAR readers,

We’d like to start out by saying thank you for reading. Have we told you how much we love you recently? Well, we really do! We love you and are always looking for new ways to make you laugh. We also pay attention to who’s reading and where you are reading from. Australia has been churning out lots of new readers, which we are so excited about! That goes for our readers from every other part of the globe- Argentina, France, Singapore, Saudia Arabia, India, Poland, China- to everyone everywhere, thanks so much for checking out the site. It’s really exciting to know that we are all united and can share our stories together. Since our formal launch of the SFAR website in May we’ve had visitors from 111 countries around the world. We’re extremely proud that the message of being single and proud resonates with so many readers, and that we can all share and laugh about dating disasters together.

We are dying to know more about you. Where do you live? What are your dating experiences? Do the stories on SFAR sound familiar to you? What is it like dating in your part of the world?

Emails and story submissions to SFAR are always treated with complete anonymity and reviewed carefully before being posted on the site. If you have a story to share, but are worried it won’t be written well or that English isn’t your first language (we hear this a lot), don’t worry!! That is our job as editors, to help refine and publish stories in the best form.

In the next several weeks, we’ll be posting questions to try to inspire you to share with us your thoughts and experiences. Depending on the number of responses, we’ll come up with ways to best capture our findings. If you have any questions you’d like to suggest for our SFAR readers, please write to us and let us know.

Thank you again and please keep reading.

Xo Always,

SFAR Editors

Ashley and Annabel

Email us!

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Song of The Day: Born This Way, by Lady Gaga

Song of The Day: Born This Way, by Lady Gaga

In celebration of marriage equality in NY, this song seems most appropriate!


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Wrong Number Much?

Recently I received the following text not intended for me. Prepare yourself.

Text: “yeah girl it is that big. come by my room at lunch and ill show you and yeah… i technically have a girlfriend but she’ll never find out.”

I’m sorry, WHAT?? Wrong in so many ways. SFAR

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We Like to Match

You know how people say that couples who have been together for a long time start to resemble one another? View: extremely overweight couple (especially for China) on a motorbike, wearing matching flip flops.

If this is what being in a relationship means, count me SFAR for life.

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