Song of the Day: Where Them Girls At, by David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida

Song of the Day: Where Them Girls At, by David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida



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Love From Florence

Love from Florence, Italy. Where men have been leering at women for generations.

This photo serves as the front of the menu from renowned (and otherwise delightful) restaurant Gilli.

Buon appetito!

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Anthony Weiner & the Nation’s Problem with Commitment

What’s that thing they say about news? It’s new. We know. However, while we have hesitated to write about this scandal, we feel it is too significant a story in US and New York politics not to acknowledge it. Moreover, it is yet another perverse and sad indication of the state of committed relationships in our culture. As it seems we have a moment of calm, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on this story.

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Song of the Day- Let it Be by Dyme Def

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Countess LuAnn Has a Music Video…


And by awesome, I mean it is a train wreck of Real Housewives dancing along to a terrible beat and an even more terrible voice coming out of a woman that is looking more and more like a tranny by the day.

There are some pretty epic one-liners in this gem, so I would highly recommend watching the whole way through. My personal favorite: “Kelly bring the jelly beans, I’ll bring the diamonds.”



P.S. Chic, c’est la vie, c’est bon, c’est bon (Jill, you’re still from Merrick)

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Chris Hansen from ‘To Catch a Predator’ is caught red handed

If you have ever watched ‘To Catch a Predator,’ then you know Chris Hansen. He’s the host who lures disgusting, perverted child molesters into a house and grills them about what they expected to find at the house (a 14 year-old they met in an internet chatroom), what they brought to the house for the evening (predator says: board games, reality: condoms and wine coolers), and what they wanted to do that night (predator says: Just hang out and talk, reality: something much more disgusting that usually comes up when Chris reads out their chat room scripts).

Anyway, he was caught cheating on his wife this weekend from a hidden camera. Ohh sweet irony.

Click here to read more.

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