You’re lucky I like you…

A few weeks ago I hooked up with a guy who I had hooked up with before. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t think about going for Round 2 in the morning when we woke up, but before I could make a move, the guy by my side said (in a thick New York accent):

“You’re lucky I like you, because I’ve got a lot of farts brewin’ up inside of me.”

And that was the end of that.

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Song of the Day- L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. by Noah and the Whale

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Why Ziplines and Weddings Should Never Mix

Remember that time we got married and ziplined across a volleyball court, but you were heavier than me and picked up some major speed, rammed into me? Then you walked it off like nothing happened, threw up your arms and walked away from me? Yeah, that was fun.

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Fast Cars and Whisky Drinking

As the Financial Times so aptly described in yesterday’s front page article, style norms are changing in China’s urban centers as witnessed by stastistics and the naked eye. As young men and women acquire increasing levels of disposable income, style preferences and purchasing patterns become more visible, and at least in China, are falling on gender lines, though not how you might imagine.

Click through to read the article on China’s Women Show Taste for Fast Cars and Whisky


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Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (Balls)

Background: Girl meets boy at 4th of July party. Boy and girl make out, exchange numbers. Girl saves his number in her phone as “soccer” because he was once a pro soccer player. At the end of the night, girl texts boy and receives the following response:

How charming.

Posted in Bodily Functions, Douchey Comments, This is Awkward, Top 10 SFAR Stories | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Happy Birthday, USA!

Happy 235th Birthday to the United States of America. Home of the free, land of the brave! As singles, we have the double-edged privilege of being both free and brave. Free as birds because we’re not tied down! And brave because, well, it’s a tough terrain out there.

To all of our readers in the US, we wish you Independence Day celebrations full of sunshine, laughter, and FREE of douche bags.

If you do find yourself amidst douche bags, jot down the story, snap a picture and send it to us. As always, the best ones will be posted to the blog!



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