Song of the Day- On The Floor, by Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull

Song of the Day: On The Floor, by Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull

In case you haven’t heard her latest dance song, On the Floor is all the rage in Europe this summer- and it’s no wonder because the chorus is awesome. As she says:

Brazil, Morocco, London to Ibiza

Straight to LA, New York, Vegas to Africa

We welcome J-Lo as she re-joins the ranks of gorgeous single ladies around the world!



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Have donated, will overshare

I got into the elevator at the office this morning and was joined by two young guys who presumably work in the building. They were loud-talking and it was hot, so i leaned my head against the interior wall and closed my eyes. The one guy (still loud talking) says to his work buddy, “one time I sold my plasma for money.” Omg. I felt instantly ready to barf or keel over. I wasn’t exactly sure what plasma even was- blood? But it was too much information for a hot early morning elevator ride.

His friend, who seemed less obnoxious, would have to halt this conversation. He would HAVE to be too embarrassed to be discussing this in a closed space with a female. Right? He’d ignore him, change the subject, something.

“How much does that pay?” he asked, as if out of pure, genuine curiosity. “Ehhh not a lot, just like 50 bucks. And the thing is, the process is really…”. And that’s when I got off the elevator. And thought to myself, what in HELL has the modern dating terrain devolved into? SFAR

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Don’t Let the Child Fool You

I’ve been traveling around Latin America for the last seven months, and in every country I have experienced something SFAR worthy. Here is one such example.

Walking through Banos, Ecuador, very early on a Sunday, I pass a nice-looking man in a collared shirt with a tiny child clinging to each of his hands. I smile. He smiles. Such cute children, I think to myself. What a nice father. Just as we pass each other, he hisses the following: “Ayyyy, mamacita.”

Que bonita. SFAR

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This is Not a Cute Look

The mugshot of California inmate, Patrick Brooks has gone viral this week due to the explicit face tattoo he has inked on his forehead. The tattoo, which reads, F*** YOU in bold letters across his face also happens to be the reason he is in prison. As reported by KRCRTV, a teller  hesitated when the 21 year old brought in a check to be cashed at his check-cashing store. We’re not sure which part threw off the teller, the fact that the stolen check from Biblewood Baptist Church was visibly altered, or the fact that his F*** YOU face tattoo didn’t exactly scream god-fearing church-goer.

Singles, beware any individual with an aggressive face tattoo.

To Read the KRCRTV Article: Click Here

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Infographic Beard Guide

Bearded people can be mysterious. Thus, modern-day guides have been invented to help potential mates understand the furry-faced. Here is one infographic guide we greatly enjoy courtesy of entitled, “The Trustworthiness of Beards”. [Click the above image to see in detail.] As our suspicions have indicated, not all facial hair is to be trusted.

Finally, Friendly Chops, Mutton Chops and the Werewolf defined!



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Song of the Day- Till I Get There by Lupe Fiasco

Song of the Day: Till I Get There, by Lupe Fiasco



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