Jay Cutler Dumps Kristin Cavallari, Ends Engagement

When I first heard that Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari were dating, I thought they were a match made in heaven. He, a douchey double-chinned quarterback whose presence I was graced with in my college years, and she, a bitchy non-star who made a career out of catfighting, seemed to be a good match.

However, the news today that Cutler broke off his engagement to Kristin made me feel sorry for her and wish she had been warned that he was a total douche prior to accepting the rock. Unfortunately this news is neither surprising nor out of character for Jay.

R.I.P. Cutlerari.

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Song of the Day: Valerie, by Amy Winehouse

Song of the Day: Valerie, by Amy Winehouse

Amy was a tremendous style icon and unparalleled singer. Thanks for inspiring us. We miss you already.



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His Beach Bod Confessions

One of our loyal readers recently sent in this clipping from Seventeen Magazine. She was perusing a section called “His Beach Bod Confessions” when some statistics jumped out as random and really hysterical. 

When surveyed about how they prepare and groom themselves for the beach:

16% of guys said they have gotten a pedicure. Okay…

20% of guys said they have gotten a spray tan. Funny and weird. Okay…

38% of guys said they have shaved their back hair. Okay weird/funny, probably necessary. So, good…


63% said they have “sprayed deoderant down there”. I’m sorry, WHAT?!

We’re not sure where Seventeen conducted its survey, but if this number is indicative of a larger population what on EARTH do teenage guys think happens at the beach these days? Ball inspections? Yikes.

Funny. Awkward. Happy spraying, dudes, and #SFAR

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Chinese Men Embrace Crop Tops, Disregard Social Norms

Remember in elementary school when it was really hot out, and you would loop your shirt through the collar to make it into a bikini/crop top number that was way too risque for any 8 year old to wear? Well, apparently every trend comes full circle and Chinese men looking for a way to beat the heat are hiking up their above their bellies. In public places. Here are a few of our favorites, click over to Buzzfeed for more.

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GQ’s 10 Douchiest Colleges in America


The August issue of GQ features Mila Kunis on the cover and a very funny and accurate ranking of the country’s douchiest colleges. What’s best about this piece is not only which colleges they chose, but the minute descriptive portrayals of the specific kinds of douche bags each school molds.

At MIT, the douche bag may boast “an extensive action figure collection” and brute instinct to shoot down everything they did not personally invent– “that’s not even a cool technology”. So spot on. At University of Florida, it’s the sunbaked-too-long-on-a-lawnchair douche wearing Gators gear and 24/7/365 raucous demeanor. Brigham Young? The Mitt Romney for President douche. And so on.

We were particularly glad to see both Cornell and Yale on the list, as they churn out some of the most vile and offensive douches in our experience. There are sooo many Cornell and Yale douches in NYC- you can’t throw a boat shoe without hitting one. Trust us. We couldn’t make these factoids up if we tried!

To read the full article on GQ: Click Here



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Song of the Day- Bum Like You, by Robyn

Song of the Day- Bum Like You, by Robyn



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