SNL Skit: Love Making Complaints

In case you missed this week’s SNL with host Melissa McCarthy, it was a good one. Our favorite skit, features Andy Samberg who receives some complaints from women about his love making.

“Also, I would lose the shirtless Mario Lopez poster in your bedroom.”


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Things to Look Forward to?

Recently, I was out at a bar with my boyfriend and a girl friend of mine, when we started conversing with a good-looking guy seated next to our group at the bar. At first, he and my bf were bonding over sports, but before long, he had made his way over to us ladies, in hopes of parting some wisdom. Keep in mind that it was approx. 7pm on a Tuesday night in Manhattan. The conversation went as follows:

[Male approaches, a few beers deep]

Dude: “Hey, you listen to me. Have you been to Nick Tahou’s??”

Me: “What’s that?”

Dude: “How long have you and your boyfriend been dating?? Listen, when he takes you to Nick Tahou’s, and orders you the Garbage Plate, you can know, you’re the woman of his dreams. He wants to have your kids.”

Me: “What’s the Garbage Plate?”

Dude: “The Garbage Plate. It’s hot dogs, eggs, french fries, baked beans and potatoes, all on one plate.”

Ha! And that was the end of that. Eek. If that’s what a young lady can look forward to- a mash of hot dogs, eggs and baked beans on a plate, I think I’d rather not.

A couple days after the incident, it dawned on me that I wanted to dig a little deeper and find out about this Garbage Plate. What I found in my online research only grossed me out more. I direct you to the Wiki page, which I feel summarizes it best. Focus please on the photo of the dish.


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The Pink Shorts Farter

It was a busy night at the restaurant where I work, when a young couple came in for their dinner reservation. The man was wearing pink shorts. The owner seemed to have overbooked that night so the hostess apologized telling them it would be a 15 minute wait.

Even though they were offered a free round of drinks, the guy became angrier and angrier and started to berate the hostess in front of everybody. 15 minutes later their table was ready and the hostess led them upstairs where they would be seated. The man briskly walks in front of her as they go up the stairs. Right before the couple turns the corner to walk to their table, the pink shorts wearer lets out a huge loud fart right in the hostesses face. His girlfriend didn’t even react.

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SFAR Invitation: SlutWalk NYC

To everyone in the New York area, we want to invite you to participate in the SlutWalk taking place this Saturday in Union Square. SlutWalk is about reclaiming the word that is used so harshly against women. Why is it so acceptable for men to be sexual creatures and for them to act upon those instincts, but not for women? Why are women “asking for it” if they choose to wear slightly revealing clothes, in turn their sexual compass is threatened? Working towards challenging the masculinity of rape culture and working to end domestic and sexual violence is what the SlutWalk is all about and we would love if any of you other NY area feminists would join. Started in Toronto in 2011, we are very excited to be able to participate in our first SlutWalk. Worldwide readers, check out their website to learn about other marches in your city.

More Info

Purpose: SlutWalk NYC is part of a worldwide grassroots movement challenging rape culture, victim-blaming and slut-shaming, and working to end sexual and domestic violence.

NYC Walk: Saturday, October 1st. 12:00 Noon. Union Square. BE THERE!!



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Mutton Chops and Infidelity

Prelude: I wish I had written this when I remembered more.

I began my evening with 4 Loko around 10PM- that was my first mistake. I soon ventured out to Long Island City with friends- then Greenpoint- then decided that after hours in Manhattan was a necessity. I was fed drinks by my favorite doorman.  Accepting said drinks was definitely mistake #2 as I was already highly intoxicated. It was around this time I met a young man we shall call “the beast”. We rendezvoused in a pretty gross, very cramped movie theater stall with a very broken door. Public making out ensued.  Let me note at this point that this young man had A) a severely greasy slicked back Mohawk B) checkers shaved into both sides of his head C) intense mutton chops D) a drug induced under-bite and restless jaw.

So, eventually we decide it’s time to leave. I suggest his place to which he responds very causally “oh, yeah we can’t because my girlfriend’s there.” I have a suspicion that we then hopped in a cab and went to Brooklyn. What I do clearly recall is that we proceeded to ferociously make out on the concrete stairs of a completely public building across the street from a park. Attempted public sex ensued. Failed. He had alcohol/drug wiener. Every once in a while he’d accuse me of making him feel bad about his infidelity (though I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything about it). Continue reading

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Song of the Day: Stereo Hearts

Song of the Day: Stereo Hearts, by Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine



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