Song of the Day: Thriller, by Michael Jackson
We love you, MJ.
Song of the Day: Thriller, by Michael Jackson
We love you, MJ.
As New York Magazine and Gawker have reported, there’s a guy running around New York City pledging to pleasure himself in each Starbucks restroom in the city. Gross. In case you are curious, there are 187 of them.
Bathrooms in NYC Starbucks stores have increasingly become *somewhat* more civilized public restrooms. At some establishments the restroom line is longer than the line for coffee. But this- this really just pushes it over the edge. What a creeper. And what’s even weirder… Guess what the guy calls himself? Mr. Peepee. He is a”citizen journalist” who talks about sex on Twitter and produces a podcast on something called “Glory Hold Radio Network”. End of story.
Read More from Gawker: Click Here
Song of the Day: Good Feeling, by Flo Rida feat. old school vocals from the one and only Etta James.
Love it.
We should probably establish a page on SFAR just for Mindy Kaling related items, because we love her so much. In the meantime, let the shout outs continue.
Mindy recently penned an article for the The New Yorker magazine, in which she provides an overview of why she LOVES the mushroom-trip fantasy land that is the modern romantic comedy film. The Rom Com, if you will.
As she peppers her piece with colorful phrases (“razzle dazzle”) and describes female characters through spot-on allusions and allegory, Mindy shines a spotlight on the canned, juvenile formula today’s Hollywood depends on. The first specie of Silver Screen fable? The Klutz. Instantly, we imagine Anna Faris tripping over a pail of water before careening into the hunk of her dreams.
So poignantly does Mindy poke at an industry which confines female actors to boxes of stereotyped dribble, that some readers might not even realize what she is doing.
Just then the shroom-trip haze lifts and we’re staring into reality. What’s that you say? Stumbling into a pail of water before falling onto a model-esque man has about a 1 in 4 trillion chance of happening and is the creation of male writers and producers trampling the integrity and talent of female actors and peers- not to mention an egalitarian society? Ah yes, precisely.
Cheers to Mindy for again weighing in on this stunted modern reality. It’s one of those perverse realities where you have to laugh in order not to cry. Cry because it’s sad watching SJP portray an uptight anal Bluetooth headset-wearing woman yet again on screen. Let it be recorded here in history, Mindy, we Roger your call loud and clear.
Let’s get Katherine Heigl out of those 27 wedding dresses she’s stuffed into. Moreover, let us stop supporting films that limit women to third-rate supporting characters.
Now we need to get our hands on Mindy’s book…
To read Mindy’s New Yorker piece: Click Here
To read our other posts about Mindy: Click Here
[Image Source: The New Yorker]
Charming Manchild
The only go-to hookup buddy I’ve ever had in my life is kind of a dud. My 8th grade best friend and I aptly dubbed him “The Skankmaster.” Going into high school, he got alot of ass because he played the guitar. At that age, I was young and impressionable and fell easily for his young Bob Dylan-esque charm. But in college, he stopped shaving, developed a beer belly, and addled his brain with drugs to nearly Ozzy Osbourne levels of cognitive faculties. So, now he’s more like modern-day Bob Dylan.
But, because I’m a masochist who likes hobbit-esque men, I continued to hook up with The Skankmaster into college. Eventually, shit got messy, and he decided he wanted to make things between us serious, which was the last thing I wanted. He would propose a plan, I would just happen to be buzzed or horny enough to agree, and then would come
to my senses and realize that the last thing I wanted to do was hang out with him. One weekend when I was on a vacation up in a heavily wooded part of Northern Jersey, Mr. Skankmaster decided he was going to call me out on my tragic indecision.
Skankmaster: Yo flakester, what the fuk you doing?
Me: I’m on a mini vacation
Skankmaster: Where to?
Me: Up north by mountain creek…
Skankmaster: O fun watc for bears. they can smell the menstruation
If it’s candidates like this that my offspring will share half of their chromosomes with, I am getting my tubes tied tomorrow.