One Investment Banker’s Approach to Dating

In New York, dating is an activity. Nay, it is a sport. And in this sport, there are many crazy sequences of events that lead to many hilarious stories (some of which end up right here on this blog).

Once in a while a true gem appears, which is what we deem the letter that went viral this week on reddit. The quick and dirty of it is: I-banker meets girl, takes girl on one date, texts her, doesn’t hear back, so he decides to write a CRAZY F*CKING EMAIL to her that lays out their entire situation in a diatribe whose length is usually reserved for epic breakups.

After reading the letter several times, we have some notes and questions for the author:

1. I thought I-bankers worked long hours and can never get out of the office to date girls. How are you able to a) go to the philharmonic alone on a random night and b) write an 80 paragraph e-mail you went on one date with? RED FLAG.

2. If you are anything in person like you are in this e-mail, your date was probably just playing with her hair and saying it was nice to meet you to make sure she didn’t tip you over the American Psycho edge and end up in a closet in some penthouse in Tribeca with Huey Lewis and the news playing in the background.

3. Apparently somewhere during your career (cough managing your parents’ investment), the line between professional and personal communications seemed to have crossed in a way that makes you appear to be writing a formal business letter to everyone you talk to. Using terms like “i.e,” “best,” and “include, but are not limited to” make your letter even creepier. Maybe you should have put this into a powerpoint and presented it to her in a formal business setting, that might have really drilled these points home.

4. You’re an asshole. Seek therapy.

Full letter is here and after the jump.

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Song of the Day: I’m Not Your Toy

Song of the Day: I’m Not Your Toy, by La Roux



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Douche of the Week: Ashton Kutcher

This has been a long time coming. To be clear, Ashton is the douche of the “week”, because that is the name of the column not because his actions peeked negatively this week. He’s been an ass for quite some time, and it’s long overdue we write about it.

Ashton Kutcher is a douche. First of all, he didn’t realize how amazing his life was. He was married to DEMI MOORE. Hello. He should have been waking up every morning thanking Jesus that his bullcut haircut wound up in the echelon of true Hollywood glamor and prestige, a living legend. Demi is a goddess and should have been treated as such. Instead, he faffed it away.

Number two, Ashton cavorts like an arrogant frat boy. He is pompous and full of himself. He thinks he is gorgeous. Ashton, you are not gorgeous! You are cute, at max. You’re like the boy we thought was cute in 8th grade. You have 8th grade appeal. And we’re women. Over you.

Ashton loves to hear his own voice. One time, we were in the vicinity of Ashton. He was having meetings and on the phone the whole time we were there, loudly, with his door open. He paced and wiggled a pencil in his hand, like he was super intellectual and smart. He’s not.

This guy is like a child star gone wrong. Though he gained fame when we was in his early twenties, in male maturity years, that’s about 8 years old. Max. He polished up well, but underneath, he’s a mess. It’s basically a matter of days before he ends up on Celebrity Rehab for sex addiction and an affliction for malt liquor. Yikes.

In hindsight, it seems pretty perfect he ended up in the role Charlie Sheen got booted out of. We should hope Ashton doesn’t end up toothless and bumbling. At this point, we don’t even care.


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Complex Magazine’s 25 Douchiest Bars in NYC

Complex magazine recently published a list of the 25 Douchiest Bars in NYC, a task we applaud them for undertaking! Upon first glance, we agree with all selections we’re familiar with. Dorrian’s, The 13th Step, The Ainsworth? Yup, yup, yup. Doucheyyy.

Whether you’re a resident of NYC or plan to come through for a visit, make sure you check out this list and steer clear of the douche bag bars. Unless, of course, you’d like to view what real NYC douche bags are like, in which case, pack your cameras and approach with caution.

To read the full Complex list: Click Here



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Virgins in the Spotlight

Abstinence is fine, or whatever, but this is extreme. Shanna is 27 and Ryan is 31 years old. They have never kissed. They’re saving that sacred ritual (??) for their wedding day. Interesting. We do not endorse this strategy.

The moment where they kiss at the alter is HORRIFYING. He looks like a rabid attack lizard who’s been kept in a cage for 31 years. Yikes.

Thanks, TLC, for exposing us to yet another variety of bizarre individuals.


To read more about Virgin Diaries on HuffPost: Click Here

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Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian: It was all a Sham

We know. This news just knocked you over the head with pure and utter shock. THEY WEREN’T FOR REAL. According to TMZ, sources close to Kris Humphries, claim Humphries now believes he was taken advantage of and merely a pawn to fit into the plot line of Kim’s reality shows. Yeah, no kidding. Can we please stop giving the Kardashians attention? They are annoying, obnoxious and contribute nothing to society. Next topic.

To read the TMZ article: click here

To read our 10 Ten Lessons to learn from the divorce: click here

[Image via]

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