Subway Tales

After working a full day and then babysitting for 5 hours, I had a friend’s birthday party to go to at a bar on the Lower East Side. Being that it was Friday night of Fashion Week, I couldn’t find a cab and decided to brave the subway.

My first train didn’t come for 20 minutes and as I watched my clock tick, I was becoming more and more impatient. At the second stop where I had to switch trains, I went to the platform and began waiting. At this time, a man of Asian descent who kind of looked like a shorter and less hot version of the Asian guy from Glee came up to me out of nowhere and our conversation went like this:

Man: How long have you been waiting here?

Me: Oh, like 5 minutes.

Man: Why are you alone?

Me: I was babysitting and I am going to a friend’s birthday.

Man: Do you have any kids?

Me: No, why do you?

Man: Yes, I have a 6 year old (he procedes to take out his phone and show me).

Man: Are you an attorney?

Me: No, why would you think that?

Man: You’re wearing all black

Me: Oh, well, I’m not an attorney.

At this point, I realize the train is never coming, so I start to leave. The man REACHES IN FOR A HUG. I pat his arm, say “I hope you find what you’re looking for.” to which he yells….



[Image Source]

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Dude Picks Beer Over Girlfriend

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Why It’s Good to be Single


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JP Morgan Cover Letter

Once upon a January 2012, an eager wannabe Wall Street guy sent a cover letter and resume to JP Morgan. After spouting unbelievably embarrassing and self-aggrandizing sentiments about his intellectual superiority and physical aptitude, he closed the letter with the standard, “I look forward to hearing from you”. We’re not sure he anticipated hearing from them via the internet after his letter circulated to hundreds of people.

A few comments. For starters, we would definitely enjoy seeing him perform basic office functions with terrifying efficiency. Secondly, 35 pull ups is not a lot, buddy. We know women’s athletic teams that require more than that. And lastly, you are a douche.


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The Painter

I recently recalled a random interaction I once had with an awkward man during a long elevator ride.  We’ve all been there.

Man: You’re really pretty.

Me: Thank you.

Man: I’d really like to paint you.

(awkward silence)

Me: That’s a nice offer, but I barely like having my photo taken.

Man: Let me give you my card.

When I got his card, it said “house painter” – interior and exterior.

Aside from laughing out loud, I was left with the question of whether he wanted to paint on me with a rolling brush from Home Depot or paint a picture of me. I guess I’ll never truly know.


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Super Bowl Commercials: What We Loved… and Didn’t

Last night was the Super Bowl in the US, an annual championship game between the top two American football teams in the National Football League. The game was hosted in Indianapolis, IN and drew scores of fans and celebrity attendees and millions of viewers watching from home. The vast majority of spectators watched the tournament for the game- the athletics of the two teams going head to head, and of course to see and celebrate the winning team. For us, we are not embarrassed to say we were more interested in Madonna’s halftime performance and the much anticipated TV commercials that aired. These sought after spots cost an average of $3.5 million USD for 1 minute of airtime, so you know the companies running adverts worked hard to make sure their commercials made an impression.

Instead of running through all of the ads, we want to focus on our favorite and our least favorite commercials from the game.

LOVED: M&M’s Intro to Ms. Brown

This commercial is awesome. First of all, the chocolate brand is introducing a new female spokescandy to their predominately male line-up. Secondly she is a smart and sassy personality complete with glasses, wit and the voice of Vanessa Williams. We loved the humor of this ad. So perfect they used the #1 douchetastic song of the moment, “I’m Sexy and I know it”. Why are guys always thinking about getting naked??

HATED: Go ad

This commercial was typical male chauvinism in a can. The Pussycat Dolls in bikinis being flaunted for their bodies for two male onlookers (and a national audience) envisioning their teenage wet dream. Gross. We’re not going to embed this video because sharing it, means encouraging others to watch the bikini parade, and we’re not about that.



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