Taylor nails it once again. Simple message, catchy tune that we can all relate to!
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Taylor nails it once again. Simple message, catchy tune that we can all relate to!
1. Did Sara say yes?
2. If she said no, how horrible to have to look at this reminder all the time??
Today we are launching our second official SFAR End of Summer Story Contest. From now through September 3 we are asking you to submit new and funny stories that could win you a sweet prize.
Submission topics can be anything related to relationships, dating, hook-ups, mishaps and can be in the form of stories, pictures, videos, screenshots, or anything that made you say “I am single for a reason!” Whether you’re a guy or girl, gay or straight, we want your best content!
Every story submitted by September 3 (Labor Day in the US) will be considered for the grand prize. To read last year’s winning tale, click here. Continue reading
Not having to tell someone when you go to the bathroom:
One of the best things about being single in this modern age.
[Source: Cartoon by LA Times Political Commentator, David Horsey, as seen in the International Herald Tribune 8/13/2012]
Song of the Day: Angelina, by NAMELESS
Picked up at Colette, one of the coolest stores in all of Paris.
I was walking in Paris recently when a man in a Fiat started cat-calling me. I turned to cross at the next street light to avoid him, when he turned the car to get another chance to try his game. He stopped in the intersection, called “Baby!!!” and made the most pathetic kissy duck face. You know the kind that you make when you are taking selfies with your bffs? Like that, but from a thirty something year old stranger.
I threw up my arms as if to say “WTF?!” and kept walking.
I am not looking for a random dude and if I were, I can assure you, it would not be the duck face that would win me over!!! Guys always make fun of girls for making the duck face in photos, but apparently guys do it too! 😉