Salad Fingers

Scene: Mom and daughter sit down at a relatively empty sports bar for dinner. After not seeing each other for some time, they have much to catch up on. 

As soon as daughter gets her salad, a creepy, grungy man sits down next to her and joins the conversation without any kind of invitation. After asking the daughter (who is in her early 20s) if she has had a baby, he proceeds to discuss the benefits of pineapple and papaya for curing colic in babies. He then looks at her plate and spots an opportunity for further gross-ness. He asks if she is going to eat her lettuce heart, and, when she says no, proceeds to reach across the bar (into her personal space) and pick up the heart of lettuce OFF OF HER PLATE with his dirty fingers. 

The daughter is so horrified that her mother jumps in and politely tells the man that she is trying to talk with her daughter. The man does not take the hint and continues to interrupt their conversation with his thoughts on communism, Foucault, agriculture, and child-rearing for another painful hour. 

Needless to say, my dinner and my night were ruined.


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